Do you want to get started with biobased building? Then sign up for this online course.

This course is developed for students in the first and second year of construction, civil engineering, material science, product technology, and (young) professionals. We recommend first taking the online course biobased building.

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As part of the Interreg North-West Europe project, three pedestrian and bicycle bridges in Germany and the Netherlands are currently being planned or already realized. The so-called “Smart Circular Bridges” (SCB) are made of bio-composites.

A sophisticated monitoring system continuously monitors the stability and material condition. The data are automatically analyzed by the system and shared in real time. This ensures not only the highest level of safety for use but also provides extensive information for planning further bridges. The project uses renewable resources in an innovative way. Beyond bridge construction, it demonstrates the potential of a climate-friendly bio-economy in the construction industry.

Design your own pedestrian bridge

Your assignment is to design a passenger’s bridge as a replacement for an existing bridge in your neighborhood, showing which materials could be used and how they would be applied, including also cost estimate plus first order COcalculation.

This MOOC is a self-paced course of 8 modules and consists of (video) lectures, literature, quizzes and a general assignment.

Total study load: +/- 26 hours.


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