To achieve a climate neutral and circular economy in 2050, a switch to green raw materials for chemicals, materials and fuels is needed. In all these chains, the currently used fossil raw materials must be replaced. To show the possibilities and opportunities of renewable fuels to entrepreneurs and students, short knowledge clips have been developed.
Regarding the greening of transport, the currently used fossil raw materials are already being replaced by switching to electric transport and renewable fuels. This is done by switching to electric transport and renewable fuels. This will require large volumes and scaling up of renewable fuels, also because not every sector can immediately and fully switch to electricity. Heavy transport such as aircraft, ships and trucks require fuel with a high energy density. Liquid and gaseous fuels provide a lot of energy per unit (m3) and can be stored for a long time without being dependent on scarce metals, which are needed for the batteries.
Knowledge clips have been developed
To show the possibilities and opportunities of renewable fuels to entrepreneurs and students, short knowledge clips have been developed. These learning materials, which are accessible to everyone, deal with the necessity, production and application possibilities of renewable fuels for transport. The knowledge clips cover subjects such as carbon reduction, biomass, fermentation and advanced liquid fuels in various branches, such as logistics, car transport, shipping and aviation. The Dutch and European regulations are also discussed. The knowledge clips are made by companies and knowledge institutions.
The learning materials consist of ten short knowledge clips (5-7 minutes) with accompanying knowledge questions. Knowledge clips are available in both Dutch and English. The clips are available on Groen Kennisnet.
This project receives financial support from the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Agriculture, Water, Food, in the context of “Kennis op maat” and is implemented by Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Avans Hogeschool, Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen, Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen and HanzeHogeschool.
More information
Would you like to know more about renewable fuels or are you looking for teaching material for your class on an example of the biobased economy? Curious about the clips? You can watch the clips here (Dutch) or here (English).