MNEXT > Vacancies > Internship Orange in the Sea

Internship Orange in the Sea

The objective in this project is the exploration and development of a wide range of colouring isolates from seaweed. For this we focus on the quality and quantity of the carotenoids but also chlorophylls present in seaweed, mainly brown seaweed. Brown seaweed because it has the highest concentration of carotenoids but also because it is the most abundant seaweed species present in the Biobased Delta both as cultivated crop and as residual stream on dikes and beaches. In application studies performed by the industrial partners it is found that ranges from yellow to red is possible but that also greenish to beige tints are obtained.

In this project we (i) want to get an idea about the variation possible in brown seaweed isolates and on the factors that influences these. (ii) want to know what are the quality aspects of these isolates, what is the colour type and strength when applied on sustainable textile types such as wool and polylactic acid
and how can this be influenced. (iii) a suitable production method has to be developed based on
laboratory extraction results.

GOAL of internship, education and skills involved:

Two different internships relevant in year 2021 – 2022.

1. Effect of different extraction and purification steps on the obtained molecule composition

and its results on colour and stability when used as textile dye.

  • Analytical or Organic Chemistry, interest in Biobased
  • Techniques, HPLC-DAD, UV-Vis, Extraction techniques, Column Separation, Dyeing, Stability tests, Injection molding of PLA

2. Developing industrial process towards suitable textile dye product.

  • Biobased Technology, Process and Product design
  • Techniques, Extraction, Drying, Up-scaling

More information or application:
Seaweed Yarn & Dye, Anne Boersma,