Biobased for…

The world’s population is too big and is depleting the earth’s resources. The question is: how can we change our approach towards the natural environment? What do we get from it, and what can we give back?

A biobased economy is about the transition from an economy that revolves around fossil resources such as oil and coal to an economy based on biomass as a raw material. This biomass can come from plants that grow on land or in the sea, but also from waste flows from forestry, agriculture and the food industry or other industrial sectors.

Why biomass?

Biomass has two key advantages over fossil resources:

  • biomass is renewable, and therefore unlimited
  • biomass is regarded as carbon neutral due to its short carbon cycle.

Biomass is the only replacement for fossil resources for applications in which carbon is essential, such as in the case of various chemicals and materials.

This means that, if our earth is to survive, it is vital that we return to biobased in terms of our thinking and actions. Our ancestors had a biobased economy 200 years ago. Let’s go back to biobased!