MNEXT > Nieuws > Research Group Smart Energy with CoE BBE

9 June 2022

Research Group Smart Energy with CoE BBE

The Smart Energy research group in a nutshell

The Smart Energy research group focuses on energy saving and the integration of sustainable energy into current systems. The latest technological developments are used for this. The focus is on the energy transition, but there is a clear link with the materials transition. On the one hand, materials play an important role in new technology such as wind turbines, batteries, solar panels, heat pumps, electric cars, electrolysers, fuel cells, etc. When introducing and rolling out this technology, due account must be taken of the (re)use of often scarce raw materials. On the other hand, there is always energy involved in the production of new materials and technology. The aim is to achieve the highest possible energy efficiency of these production processes.

Professor Jack Doomernik is looking forward to the collaboration

“At first glance, the Smart Energy lectorate seems like an odd one out,” says Jack Doomernik, Smart Energy professor. “We have no direct link with biobased developments. If you look at Avans’ ambition to further shape the focus on Technological developments for the energy and materials transition and to transform the current CoE BBE in line with the knowledge program to be developed, the logic is visible. In addition to the biobased developments, the techno-based developments will also be given a place, both of which will contribute to the energy and materials transition and the reduction of CO2 emissions. My expectation is that a nicely balanced whole will be created here with new opportunities for cooperation, both within the CoE and Avans and with a diversity of external partners. This development will certainly further strengthen the cooperation between Avans and HZ.”

The Smart Energy professorship will become increasingly visible within our Center of Expertise in the near future. This technological contribution will probably take some getting used to for some, but it should be clear: the collaboration is promising!

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