1. Introduction

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences has opened some positions for students looking for practical internship, final year (BSc) thesis and/or master thesis in the Netherlands. Bachelor’s/HBOs and master’s students are welcome to apply for the offered positions. The project(s) will be conducted by the Water Technology Research Group (WTRG) at NHL Stenden (Water Technology Lecoraat)[1]. The selected students will have the opportunity to conduct practical (laboratory) and/or theoretical (model) work, depending on the project. The activities will take place in the Water Application Centre (WAC)[2], in Leeuwarden. The projects conducted by the WTRG have a close link with different European companies and industries as well as with other research institutes like Wetsus[3], Centre of Expertise Water Technology (CEW)[4] and other academic institutes, e.g. University of Amsterdam, Wageningen University and Research, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences.

2. What we offer/ask:

‐ 6 months of academic exchange at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences;

‐ 40 hours per week, from Monday until Friday (9am to 5pm);

‐ A student allowance of 500€/month throughout the academic exchange duration;

‐ Opportunity to work in a project with practical (laboratory) research, linked with the Water Technology subject;

3. What we ask from you:

‐ To be regularly enrolled in a higher education institute following an under graduation (bachelor’s/HBO/WO) or a graduation (master’s) program;

‐ To be preferably enrolled in one of the following courses: Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Sanitation Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics or similar areas.

‐ To have (preferably) previews experience with Water Technology (Drinking Water/Wastewater Treatment);

‐ The student has to be proactive and work independently at times; ‐Laboratory work experience.

‐ Some experience with the following procedures (techniques) is appreciated: drinking water/wastewater treatment, reactor design, aeration systems, hydraulics, thermodynamics.

4. Projects

The projects that the applicant can work on are in the following subjects:

4.1 Design and test of a batch‐to‐continuous physical‐chemical system.

In this project the student will contribute to a study which objectivates the transition from a batch to a continuous flow (Liters/min) system. The process in question is a physical‐ chemical system and the student will have to design, build and tests some of its (specific) parts. Special attention will be given to heat recovery and mixing steps. This project will be conducted with different Dutch companies. Preferable backgrounds: Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Sanitation Engineering.

4.2 Setup and test of a device that uses physical processes to increase energy efficiency and CO2 capturing.

This project proposes the construction and testing of an innovative, scrubber‐like, CO2 capturing system using an original technology concept as top atomization device. The student will be responsible to test till which point such alternative design can enhance gas capturing first by conducting conventional aeration tests, with water and, if workable, using CO2 like absorbents to determine selectivity ratios. Preferable backgrounds: Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Sanitation Engineering, Physics.

5. Application procedure and deadlines

The application process and planning can be seen in the table below:

Table 1 ‐ Application procedure and deadlines.

Stage  Period 
Documents submitted by e‐mail  Until June 14, 2021 (at 18:00, GMT+2) 
Document’s assessment and selection for interviews  June 14 ‐ June 18, 2021 
Interview period*  June 21 ‐ June 25, 2021 
Final result and selection  Until June 30, 2021 
Start of activities in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands (estimation)  Beginning of September, 2021 

* If necessary (according to candidate’s CV)

Please mention which project subject you would like to apply for in your e‐mail.

The applicants have to submit the following documents to ronaldo.novaes.ferreira@nhlstenden.com and to luewton.agostinho@hvhl.nl(please mention in the e‐mail’s subject “NHL Stenden internship – Your name and academic institution”) before the deadline seen on Table 1:

  • CV (in English);
  • Motivation letter;
  • Recommendation letter from a previous internship company supervisor or from one of your teachers/professors (optional).

  If you have any questions, you can reach us by e‐mail on

ronaldo.novaes.ferreira@nhlstenden.com and to luewton.agostinho@hvhl.nl


[1] https://www.nhlstenden.com/onderzoek/watertechnologie

[2] https://www.waterapplicatiecentrum.nl/en/

[3] https://www.wetsus.nl/

[4] https://www.cew.nl/en/

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