MNEXT > Agenda > Educational Community of Practice Webinar

12 september 2019

Educational Community of Practice Webinar

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BioCannDo is about explaining the idea of the bioeconomy and of biobased end-products in a clear and understandable language, in a scientifically correct manner, and connecting it to everyday life. Collaboration partners can share and learn about good practices in approaches and formats for communication to the general public.

What to expect from the webinar:

Five different Biobased Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from the Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy will be presented. These MOOCs are free to join by students and professionals all over the world. They are easy to incorporate in the curriculum of various courses. The presentations will be focused on the high level content and how to work together in the future development of MOOCs.

Webinar agenda:
1. MOOC Think Biobased
2. MOOC Green Chemistry
3. MOOC Biobased Business Development
4. MOOC Biobased Building
5 MOOC Biobased Energy
6. Opportunities for collaboration