29 November 2023
Kick-off conference Energy(k) Education
The kick-off conference of the Energy(k) Education project will take place on Wednesday, November 29, in the Provincial House of Antwerp. We start from the current situation of competence and training needs in the light of the energy transition. We look for maximum opportunities for cross-border and regional cooperation between secondary and higher education. To this end, the partnership presents a roadmap to experts and stakeholders in one of the relevant sectors in the built environment (construction and installation), industry and energy. Together we look at how we can better tailor secondary and higher education to the needs of the energy transition.
15 June 2023
Future Rethinkers Congres
Op donderdag 15 juni 2023 organiseren wij, mede ter ere van ons 10-jarig bestaan, het Future Rethinkers Congres. Zet de datum alvast in je agenda, binnenkort ontvang je van ons de officiële uitnodiging.
Mnext evenement
17 November 2021
Workshop Miraculous Futures Living Materials – 17th November
Collaborate on speculative concepts and get inspired by living materials like algae, bacteria and mycelium. Together with other designers and entrepreneurs you will be working with a special edition of the Miraculous Futures card deck developed by Klasien van de Zandschulp and Ashley Baccus-Clark: a tool to develop speculative stories, worldbuilding and think beyond current possibilities. Speculative storytelling is a way to get a fresh look on the present and future and provides tools for radical ideas and shaping innovation.
17 June 2021
Webinar on Competitive (business) advantage and sustainability during the pandemic
Living Lab Biobased Brazil is happy to invite you to the fourth webinar for everyone who is interested in transitions from public and private sectors to a resilient and low- carbon economy.