is a three-year project funded by the Horizon Europe programme, composed by 10 experienced partners that will operationalise the project’s activities in 8 EU countries.
Learning Network Biobuilders
Lerend Netwerk Biobouwers is committed to the development of an innovative, practice-oriented teaching method for the construction sector.
Innovation Traineeships
With the support of SIA, Avans University of Applied Sciences is developing a new trainee program that offers SMEs the opportunity to attract young talent and also strengthens the relationship between SMEs and universities of applied sciences in the field of practice-oriented research.
Learning community
CoE BBE, together with the regional business community, is conducting a number of feasibility studies that give substance to the hca agenda of the West Brabant region.
The BBM + project partners are joining forces to get the transition to biomass and activities up to speed. In this project, high-quality education is being developed for the master Biobased Materials and the HBO honors and bridging programs.
Innovation tables
Students who carry out a minor, internship or graduation assignment in the field of Biobased Economy come together with their company counselors and lecturer counselors to discuss relevant themes that arise from or are related to their research.
Living Lab Biobased Brazil
The Living Lab Biobased Brazil has already offered many students a meaningful and educational internship. Would you like to do an internship in Brazil and focus on sustainability and a better world?
Borderless Biobased Education
Within the project 'Borderless Biobased Education', fourteen Flemish and Dutch partners are working on the development of demand-oriented education and in-service training programs at secondary, higher and university level.
BioCannDo intends to develop a clear, substantiated message around biobased products, so that it is also easy to understand for the general public.
Green Growth
Smart minds will also be needed in the future for the transition to a Biobased Economy. The Green Growth project develops biobased educational materials and distributes them in the Biobased Delta.
Biobased Challenge
The Think Biobased Challenge invites you, a European College or University student, to design Biobased educational material that students will never forget.
National Biobased Knowledge Network
The LBKN is a unique NL-wide HBO platform for biobased education, research and valorisation with an active connection to MBO and WO.