CoE BBE helps entrepreneurs and companies, in different ways, to set up sustainable bio-based business practices. For example, we offer support in the search for knowledge, talent, funding and facilities, both within and outside the region.

As a central player in the Biobased Delta, we work to promote this together with Dutch universities of applied sciences, research universities, various partners in other countries, regional parties such as REWIN, BOM and Starterslift and now also with no less than 120 companies, large and small.

What do we do for entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs use CoE BBE as a way into the biobased economy. We have a great deal of knowledge and expertise in house but, if we don’t have precisely what a company needs, we know exactly where to find it in one of the many networks in which we participate. In concrete terms, we provide:

    • Knowledge and talent in the form of students and lecturers in affiliated study programmes at Avans and HZ University of Applied Sciences (technical analyses, process design, product design, commercial and legal analyses).
    • Access to facilities for biobased laboratory research.
    • Access to 3 different application centres that we manage: the Biopolymer Application Centre, Colour Application Centre and Mycelium Lab.
    • Direct knowledge sharing for companies by the organisation of Green Meetings, biobased thematic gatherings.
    • Help for access to Higher Professional Education research funds, subsidies and regional innovation vouchers to enable biobased research.
    • An on and offline Bio-based Collection which is used by public buyers and in which companies can showcase their biobased products.
    • Offer of courses for professionals, such as master classes and online courses (MOOCs).

Do you want to achieve your biobased ambitions? Or do you have any questions?

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Colour Application Centre
Dyes for non-food applications have a fossil origin and, furthermore, their production and processing impacts the environment. Companies are increasingly committed to making their products greener and more sustainable but do not have the knowledge, equipment or time to develop bio-based dyes and test them in applications. The Colour Application Centre (KLAC) is the solution.
Biobased gadgets
The Breda company Craze is a major player in loyalty programs and, in collaboration with the Biopolymer Application Center (BAC), is going for a large-scale sustainability battle in the field of raw materials use. The magic word? Biopolymers.
Professors’ platform Biobased Economy
Lecturers' platforms have the mission to participate in discussions about agendas and innovation policy of the ministries and top sectors, the National Science Agenda, Green Deals and regions. The platforms must also publicize higher professional education practical research in other ways.
National Biobased Database
There will be a national biobased database in which products and materials will be included that are actually already available. A supportive reference work for government buyers, but much more an extra sales channel for producers of biobased products in which a large purchasing volume is represented.
Biobased Network
In the Biobased Network, application centers throughout the chain within the biobased economy work together. An application center is a development workplace where a company or entrepreneur can come with an idea.
Biopolymer Application Center
Do you want to move from petroleum-based plastics to natural biobased plastics? Are you the start-up with a great idea to really make the world a better place? Or do you see (commercial) opportunities in the transition from the oil economy to biobased?
More projects

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