The Lectorenplatform (“Professors’ Platform”) Biobased Economy was founded in 2018, together with other Lectorenplatforms and with the support of SIA, the financier of practical research in Universities of Applied Sciences. Lectorenplatforms have the mission to participate in setting research agendas and innovation policy by the national ministries and top sectors, the Dutch National Science Agenda, Green Deals and regional agendas. Also in other ways, the Platforms must improve publicity for the practical research at Dutch universities of applied science.
In 2019, the Lectorenplatform BBE led to GoChem, a new collaboration with SIA, ministry of Economic Affairs and the National Science Organisation aiming at project financing for sustainable chemical SMEs. The Platform is organized in four main areas: Plant ingredients, Biobased materials, Energy and nutrients, and Society. Within these themes, a research agenda has been developed based on experiences and input from companies. Because the Platform bundles the biobased expertise nationally, the research domains of the professors mutually reinforce each other, and companies automatically get to where the knowledge sits, even if it is on the other side of the country.
The Platform wants to develop new joint research projects on the central themes in 2020 and 2021. In addition, six-monthly seminars are organized for companies and researchers. International cooperation will be further strengthened. Finally, the Platform has the ambition to realize at least one SPRONG program: an eight-year program for the valorisation of biobased knowledge.