MNEXT > Projecten > BBM+


The BBM + project partners are joining forces to get the transition to biomass and activities up to speed. In this project, high-quality education is developed for the master Biobased Materials and the Hbo honors and bridging programs. A network is being built from here with the aim of training top international talent for the biobased companies in the south of the Netherlands.

In this project, high-quality education is developed for the master Biobased Materials and the Hbo honors and bridging programs. A network will be built from here with the aim of training top international talent for the biobased companies in the south of the Netherlands. In addition, companies will be intensively involved in education through research-driven education (in English “Research Based Learning”; RBL). In addition, together with the HBO study programs at Zuyd and Avans Hogescholen, work will be carried out to maximize the use of talents by designing continuous learning pathways for HBO-WO. They will also work with them on the further training of industry professionals. This is to support life-long learning and to increase the biobased knowledge and skills within the business community. Finally, an extra effort will be made to retain the trained talent for the region. The Brightlands Chemelot Campus and the Center of Expertise Biobased Economy of Avans can play an important role in this by linking the educational offer to the business community, matching the talented newly trained knowledge workers with workplaces in the business community.


Research theme
Research group

20160101 until 20231231