Bionative Industries has developed its own polymer, called SyRa™, using CoE BBE knowledge. SyRa™ can replace fossil-based, non-degradable, plastic disposable products in certain applications. When used in the external environment, it yields building materials for plants and organisms. Bionative Industries’ objective is to produce SyRa™ of sufficient quality to satisfy market demand in 2021. It is crucial for Bionative Industries’ success to realise the first application for a launching customer.
“Thanks to collaboration with CoE BBE and the opportunity that Avans gave me, I had a very valuable and pleasant time at the university. Setting up a sustainable company in combination with my study programme. I cannot imagine a better end to my BTC (Biobased TeCh) study”
– Bart de Raad, Owner of Bionative Industries and Avans graduate
This project was made possible by cofinancing by Taskforce for Applied Research SIA, via the Take Off programme.
20200901 until 20210501