MNEXT > Projecten > Viberscrete – biobased concrete

Viberscrete – biobased concrete

A well-known existing example of bio concrete is hemp concrete. Unfortunately, this is not suitable as a load-bearing construction and, moreover, not cheap. The industry is therefore looking for a cheaper alternative with good thermal and acoustic properties and the same construction properties as concrete.

OlifantsgrasElephant grass

The company Vibers makes products based on the fast-growing elephant grass and is looking for new applications in the construction industry. Experiments with elephant grass in bio concrete have already been carried out, and it appears that the correct composition is of great importance to achieve certain required properties.

In the Viberscrete project, participants will investigate the optimal composition and mixing methods. With the results of this project, companies can increase their knowledge about the production and application of biobased concrete. An instruction for existing production installations for hemp concrete will also be delivered.

This project is a follow-up to Giuliana Scuderi’s post doc research : ‘Back to the Material of the future’.


Research theme
Research group

20200901 until 20210801