MNEXT > Nieuws > Join the biobased innovation student challenge Europe

30 maart 2022

Join the biobased innovation student challenge Europe

The challenge
All teams develop a bio-based innovation (product or process) and present their ideas to a jury of experts from industry and science. The presentation has to be accompanied by a few supporting documents explaining sustainability, technical feasibility and economic viability of your innovation.

For who?
The challenge is open for 4th year students of university of applied sciences and university students (BSc and MSc). Due to the multidisciplinary character of the challenge it is recommended to embody multiple disciplines in your team, of which exact science should be one. Team members can come from different institutions.

Everybody wins!
Participating in BISC-E will give you valuable experience in the emerging bio-based work field, in developing a new product or process with all its aspects and in presenting innovative ideas for a panel of experts. On top of that there are nice prices to be won. The first team wins € 1000 and gets to represent his country in the European final.

16 June 2022:
Submission of presentation and supporting documents
24 June 2022:
Dutch final
Autumn 2022:
EU final (location to be decided by Biobased Industry Consortium)

More information: WWW.BISC-E.EU 
