Various community meetings are already organized during the project, to regularly bring companies together on business parks.
A learning community
The concept learning community was developed by the top sectors in 2016 as a thinking model to optimally connect learning, working, innovation and research in public-private contexts. Innovation has the greatest chance of success when people are given the opportunity to develop, internalize and apply innovations.
Access to talent
The project aims to work towards a long-term program of interrelated activities. These contribute to the knowledge position and the working climate in the region, and to the access of regional businesses to talent. The planning, organization and financing of these activities is part of the research. The involvement of many partners in this phase indicates that subsequent phases can also be financed well. For example, the Rabobanks South-West, Port of Moerdijk, Green Chemistry Campus and Circular BioBased Delta are already connected.
“Learning Community is co-financed by the West Brabant Region.”
20200101 until 20201231